Thursday 25 April 2013

Vanilla Pods

Learfarm Vanilla Pods 

now on sale through 


Our gourmet grade A Ugandan vanilla beans are imported from the African country of Uganda & have a similar flavor profile to Madagascar beans. Ugandan beans are picked at there peak & carefully cured, have a rich, complex flavor with the cream soda & smokey notes associated with world renowned bourbon vanilla, but with a spicy overtone.
Bourbon vanilla comes from the fruit of an orchid variety called vanilla planifolia. Its main component is called vanillin. Bourbon vanilla has a creamy, sweet, smooth and mellow flavor with a long finish but with a subdued nose. Use bourbon for applications requiring a classic lingering vanilla accent

See link:

Courgettes stuffed with Bacon & Ugandan Herbs/Spices

 Growing season starting. 

If you plant courgettes what are you going to do with them! A simple recipe that with get the family to like courgettes have a go and see what they think.

Courgettes stuffed with Bacon

8 courgettes

1oz. butter

1lb. bacon or cooked ham

1 large onion, chopped

4 large tomatoes, peeled and chopped

1 bird eyed chilli, chopped

½ teaspoon mixed dried or fresh herbs

Salt and pepper


Procedures: Cut a wedge from each courgette as seen above.

Melt butter and fry onion for five minutes. Fine chop ham or bacon add to pan and cook for about 10 minutes.

Add chopped tomatoes, Ugandan bird eyed chilli, herbs and seasoning and stuff the courgettes.

Put into an ovenproof dish.

Cover with foil and bake in a moderate oven for 35 to 40 minutes. Serve with baked potatoes or garlic bread  

Sunday 14 April 2013

Vanilla flavoured Biscuits

Pictures of my Vanilla & Orange Zest flavoured Biscuits.
This simple recipe is made from my own Vanilla Pods that my sister sends over to me from Uganda. Do you know that in Ireland you cannot get fresh Vanilla Pods for less than 5 euros in a shop. I can sell a packet of 10 moist Vanilla Pods for 5 euros.

This recipe will make 20 biscuits.
1 Vanilla Pods, half down the side.
100g Castor Sugar, you will need need extra for sprinkling on top later.
200g of unsalted Butter, soften, again you will use also for greasing the pan.
1/4 teaspoon of Salt.
300g of Plain Flour sieved.

Using a knife scrape along the cut side of the Vanilla to remove the seeds, place the seeds in a large bowl with Sugar and mix well.
Add Butter and mix with a wooden spoon until lightly creamed. Add Flour and a pinch of Salt mix to a soft dough, but if the dough is too dry add 2 more tablespoons of milk. Wrap in Cling film and chill for an hour in the fridge. On a lightly Floured surface roll out the dough about 6 mm thick, use a 8 cm round cutter, to cut the biscuits into 20 pieces. Transfer to a greased baking tray sprinkle with Sugar and then bake for 15 minutes in a preheat fan oven to 160 degrees until Golden Brown. Cool and transfer in a Biscuit tin and hope that they last for up to five days. In our house they are eaten within 24 hours. I put a few in a hid as they are nicer the second day.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Welcome to Learfarm Blog

Welcome to Learfarm of Uganda, Blog. We are going to enlighten all your senses by writing and showing you the beautiful life of Uganda. Join us and you will be able to see, hear, nearly touch, plus imagine taste and smell.